- Competitions & Events
24-25 Regulations Consultation

Its that time of year again where we seek your views on amendments to the Standard Area Adult League Regulations. Thoughts and amendments may be submitted using the google form Here
As last year, the ALMC will collate the responses and submit these to the EH rules panel alongside the other 8 areas. We can't promise that any particular request will be granted but we will make sure we read through and take on board comments, even if they don't make it into the final regulations, the ALMC may use the comments to amend our guidance documents.
We will also be cross referencing this years responses with last years, to see if we can reinforce any of the points generated up stream.
The deadline for responses is 23:59 on Monday 17th February 2025.
If you don't wish to use the form you can email your comments to phil.churchman@outlook.com.