If you believe that a person, group of persons or a club or association has breached England Hockey’s Code of IMPORTANT NOTICE: The England Hockey disciplinary regulations have been updated and can now be found in a single document called the Disciplinary Offence Regulations. The new regulations came into force in respect of any red card or misconduct offences committed on or after 1 September 2024. You must use these up to date regulations and forms when reporting a Red Card or Misconduct Offence. You can find all the information you need including the new England Hockey Disciplinary Regulations and forms by following this link Misconduct Complaints | England Hockey
If you believe that a person, group of persons or a club, association or other Participant or Member of England Hockey has breached England Hockey’s Code of Conduct or committed any other act of Misconduct (which is not otherwise covered by separate Anti-Doping, Safeguarding and Protecting Young People or a Red Card), then you can file a Misconduct Complaint. This can be done by filling out a Misconduct Complaint Form Combined red card/ Misconduct Complaint Form
This process must now be used for any behaviour that was previously reported as a Matchday Misconduct Offence and for which a red card has not been issued.
The form can be used to report isolated incidents or a series of actions that are alleged to be a breach of the Code of Conduct or have otherwise brought hockey into disrepute. Once completed, the form must be sent to discipline@englandhockey.co.uk where it will be processed.
The England Hockey Disciplinary Regulations have been updated and can now be found in a single document called the Disciplinary Regulations. The new regulations came into force in respect of any red card or misconduct offences committed on or after 1 September 2024. You must use these up to date regulations and forms when reporting a Red Card or Misconduct Offence. You can find all the information you need including the new England Hockey Disciplinary Regulations and forms by following this link Misconduct Complaints | England Hockey
Please note, if the correct procedure is not followed or an out of date form used this may result in the rejection of your complaint.
Misconduct Complaint Forms must be completed and sent to the discipline@englandhockey.co.uk inbox within 14 days of the alleged Misconduct Offence taking place. If the complaint is regarding a series of actions, the date of the last action must have taken place within 14 days of the form being sent (remember, the date of the incident is day one). Any forms received after this time will not be processed unless it is decided by England Hockey’s Disciplinary Panel that there are exceptional circumstances at play.
The Misconduct Complaint Form should provide as much information as possible relating to the alleged offence. The complaint should be supported with signed and dated statements of any witnesses and all evidence which is relied upon in support of the complaint.
Once the complaint has been received, you may be required to provide further clarification of the issues raised within it. Your complaint will be sent to the alleged offender usually via their club or other member body.
Once a response has been received you may be asked to comment upon this if this is deemed necessary by the disciplinary panel that will consider the complaint. Most complaints are dealt with based upon the written evidence provided but if the disciplinary panel determines that a hearing is necessary to make a decision, you and your witnesses will be asked to attend to present and support your complaint.
For more in-depth information about disrepute in hockey, please consult our new Disciplinary Regulations and the Code of Conduct.
The Misconduct Complaint Form will usually be sent to you via the disciplinary officer for your club or other organisation and they will contact you for consideration and response.
Once the Misconduct Complaint From has been sent to your organisation, you will have 7 days within which to indicate whether you accept or reject the Misconduct Complaint (whether in whole or in part) and a further 7 days within which to respond to the complaint or offer statements in mitigation of it. Your response should include any supporting statements from witnesses (which should be signed and dated) and other evidence you intend to rely upon.
Your club or other organisation may assist you with this process.
A disciplinary panel will be convened to consider the complaint and response. This will either be at Area or National level depending on the nature of the complaint. The panel will consider all representations and may ask for further information or decide that a hearing needs to take place to make a decision on the case. In most cases the matter can be determined based on the papers alone. Once a decision is made it will be sent to all parties to the complaint and will include details of any sanction that may be applied.
England Hockey reserves the right to publicise details of any disciplinary decisions.
For more in-depth information about disrepute in hockey, please consult the England Hockey Disciplinary Regulations EH Disciplinary Regulations
If a decision has been made that you have committed a Misconduct Offence, you have a right of appeal against this decision provided the grounds of your appeal meets certain requirements. Details of how to appeal and the timeframe within which this should be done can be found in our Disciplinary Regulations.
The Notice of Appeal Form and details of the appeal fee and how to pay this can be found via this link Misconduct Complaints | England Hockey