- England Hockey Leagues
MR Cricket Hockey East Area Adult Leagues - 2022-2023 Season Final Tables

Now the season is finally over, the ALMC is delighted to present the final league tables for the 2022-2023 MR Cricket Hockey East Area Adult Hockey Leagues. As GMS won't allow us to display ppm used in some of our divisions, the tables are available to download as a pdf here.
At the start of the season we communicated to clubs our intent to return all Grade 2-4 divisions to 12 teams where feasibly possible, this, along with uneven relegations from the national league, means there is a considerable amount of disruption and additional relegations throughout both leagues. It was always our intent to reward success, therefore the final tables show all confirmed promotions throughout the leagues, congratulations to all those teams.
We have shown relegations at Prem and Division 1 levels in both leagues, due to the impact of entries (Reminder this needs to be done this week!) and aligning teams in divisions and quadrants we haven't extended the confirmed relegations below this point. We aim to have draft tables available as soon after the final entries are in as possible.