- England Hockey Leagues
The ALMC approach and regulations for relegations in the 2022 - 23 Season

As you will no doubt have noticed, for a number of reasons the current league structure / divisional split for both the Mens and Ladies leagues have diverged from the standard 12 team / 22 match structure that has been prefered for the majority of East leagues. The ALMC has a desire to get back as close to this structure as possible for the 23/24 season which will almost certainly mean additional relegations at the end of the 22/23 season. Whilst the regulations are relatively thourogh, we wanted to provide some additional guidance on the ALMCs intent and thinking on how these additional relegations would be done where there may be a gap in the regulations. The intent of these notes isn't to counter or contradict anything in the regulations, but provide Clubs with a bit more clarity on how we will resolve some of the issues that may come up.
Please note, as has been previously communicated, we will be implementing rule for an additional promotion where two divisions feed into one.
We'll send a reminder about this out nearer the end of the season when teams have figured out whether they need to worry about additional relegations or not, but if you have any queries before then, do please ask.
Proposed Options for Dealing with additional relegations in the 2022/2023 Season.
Reason for requiring additional clarification to the existing rule set.
Following the league re-alignment at the 2021-2022 and accommodating Clubs following the late issuance of the proposed league tables at the start of the 2022-2023 season, there are now a number of nonstandard divisions scattered throughout our league structure. In some cases there is also a mismatch in team numbers in parallel divisions. In order to rationalise the leagues to revert to England Hockeys preferred 12 team divisions there will most likely be a need to relegate additional teams over the base position described in the Standard Adult League Regulations 2022-2023 rule 4.5, the purpose of this note is to set out the principals upon which these relegations will based where the written regulations do not provide clarity for a given situation. The intent of these notes is to provide clarity on the ALMCs intent to resolve issues not covered in written regulations not to supersede or counter any regulations written elsewhere.
League intent for 2023-2024 Structure
- 12 Team Divisions at grades 2&3
- 12 Team Divisions at Grade 4 & 5 where practical whilst maximising the number matches played at lower levels.
- Maintain the East Committees intent to reward success by implementing rule with 3 promotions where two divisions feed into one.
Assumptions Made:
- Both Men's and Ladies leagues will have the same structure for grades 2&3, and rules will apply to both.
- Where team numbers are stated, these are made based on one team being relegated from the national league, should this vary rules 4.5.2 & 4.5.3 will be enacted. Should additional teams be relegated from the national league additional relegations will be made to maintain promotion numbers.
- At division 1 level it is assumed that once the 24 teams for 2023-24 have been established they will be split into two geographical divisions.
- At division 2 and below Clubs will be allocated to “quadrants” and all teams from a club will play in that quadrant unless agreed with the ALMC on a case-by-case basis.
- The quadrants will be self-contained regarding promotion and relegation, with different splits not affecting other divisions at the same level, i.e.. Mens 5SE is a 1 to 1 division, however Division 5NE is split into further subdivisions
- For the purposes of promotions and relegations, Division 2s four quadrants are assumed to be 4 divisions feeding into 2 divisions not 2 divisions feeding into 1 division each.
- As it is anticipated there will be more relegations this document focusses on relegations, should the opposite be true, the principles will be reversed.
2022 – 2023 Promotion / Relegation Strategy
- As per Rule 4.5.1
1 higher Division (A) 1 lower Division (B) | Bottom two teams in A relegated Top two teams in B promoted |
- As per rule
| Bottom three teams in A relegated Top team in both B1 and B2 promoted along with the 2nd placed team from B1 and B2 with the best playing record determined by PPM and then as per 4.1 above |
Supplementary Clarification Rules Added by the ALMC in accordance with
- At Prem & Div 1 Level – Additional relegations will be enacted to maintain a 12-team division.
- At Division 1 S & N – Bottom 2 in each division relegated. Additional relegations will be made based on the next lowest ranked teams from either division on a points per match basis to achieve the required 12 team divisions. (Note – Mens 1S has 13 teams therefore divisions need to be compared on a points per match basis)
- Promotions from Division 2 is deemed to be 4 divisions into 2, therefore additional promotion will be done based on the 2 best second placed teams from all four divisions.
- For grade 3 & 4 divisions the ALMC will make best endeavours to arrange divisions to prioritise maximising the number of fixtures played in predominately 12 team divisions, however some divisions may have a different number of teams. This may mean that the structure may change between seasons. For the purposes division allocation, teams will be ranked within their respective quadrants from division 2 down. Teams finishing in regulation (4.5.1 & where indicated) stated promotion spots will be placed above those teams within the adjusted relegation positions from the division above to allow the divisions to be split.