- Competitions & Events
The run in to the end of the season........

For those that don't follow the East Leagues page on instagram of facebook, you may not have seen that we have started producing a couple of indicative guides in the run in to the end of the season.
Firstly there is the indicative guide to promotion and relegation lines, this document is updated on a monday and shows where the promotion and relegation zones would be if the season finished today. This document is changing rapidly as there is a lot of movement in both how many teams are dropping down from the national league, and which quadrants teams are subsequently dropping into.
As a note, currently 2 teams will be dropping from the mens EH Conference therefore there will be 1 additional relegation from East Prem and therefore a 7th relegation from the combined Division 1 N&S, this is currently from 1N but is close enough that it could change to 1S in any given week.
The second document shows indicative tables for those divisions that will be decided by Points per match as every team doesn't play each other twice. These divisions include development divisions where we have also taken the development teams out to show the "true" position of only matches between normal teams. This document is typically updated on a Tuesday.
We would note both these documents are "point in time" and subject to change week to week, they are also based on the information avaialble at the time, they may shift based on the application of penalties currently missing or if there is a change in entries for next season.
Going forward for the last few weeks these documents will be load to the website in the documents section here: